inhabit yourself

unlock your body’s wisdom
through somatic practices


tap into your body

Somatic Support Philly offers individualized and collaborative care to enable you to come into loving connection with yourself and your body.

Together, we will explore how your body is a resource for self-awareness, self-care, and self-empowerment.

are you…

  • a sensitive soul seeking a greater sense of embodied ease, joy, and self-compassion?

  • eager to become more aware of and responsive to your bodily experience and wisdom?

  • ready to explore a body-based approach to navigate and recover from stress and trauma?

If you’ve reached a plateau with talk therapy or are curious about a “bottom up” approach to self-inquiry and healing, you’ve come to the right place.

hi, i’m mariana

I am a practitioner who has personally experienced growth and healing through somatics. My journey has inspired a more joyful and affirming relationship to myself and my body.

I will hold a welcoming and compassionate space where you can feel safe to be vulnerable and in charge of the path of your own somatic journey.

let’s work together

I welcome people of all races, sizes, abilities, neurotypes, genders, gender identities & expressions, sexual orientations, ethnicities, classes, religious or spiritual affiliations, cultural heritages, national origins, ancestries, immigration statuses & HIV statuses.

“I've learned about the connection between thought patterns and emotions and sensations in my body.  I am so grateful for you and your work.”

—Kyle H.

discover your inner radiance
through somatics

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